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To make sure we have a nice spot for you, please BOOK A TABLE HERE and dive into our melty cheese heaven!
We recommend our cheese fondue for the best experience with your family or friends or also if you're just wandering around Copenhagen and want to try something new.
Fondue is served with veggies and homemade bread - and of course (!) our top quality cheese! :-)


Our store

Vesterbrogade 45, 1620 kl

Tue 9:30-14:00
We - 9:30 - 18:00
Thur, Fri, Sat - 9:00 - 19:00
Sunday, 9:30 - 16:00

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Never tried a smoked cheese.. but have a very fine taste.. delivery was after 2 days


the  mystery box was a good choice! There were 6 different cheeses in my box! delivery was after 3 days.


Min familie er virkelig taknemmelig for den store ost kære Eric bringer os med. Vi ønsker ham alt godt og håber, at han fortsætter i årene fremover. Tak Eric!


very delicious cheese, something I could never get in the store, thank you! :)


For those of you, who don't know the taste of this cheese, I want you to know that the pleasure that is melting in your taste buds, even long time after tasting, is unforgettable. High class quality and maturity of this cheese is real. Truly amazing and delicious cheese with long-lasting period! And the delivery was also very fast, can only recommend.
